Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10) Help

Standard Operations Library

Placement Type

Feature Geometry Type Created and Operation

Place Linear

Line-string. Data points define vertices and a Reset finishes the placement.

Place Standard Compcurve

Complex-chain. This placement type also provides options to place linear and arc segments when constructing the chain. There is an additional option that aids in creating geometry parallel to existing geometry.

Place Enhanced Compcurve

Complex-chain. This placement type provides all the functionality described for Place Standard Compcurve and provides additional dialog items to define the radius and length of arc components.

Place Arc

Arc. Data points define the three edge points for the arc.

Place Curve

Curve-string. Data points define vertices and a Reset finishes the placement.

Place Bspline

Open B-Spline curve. Data points define vertices and a Reset finishes the placement.

Place Polygon

Shape. Data points define vertices and a Reset finishes the placement.

Place Polygon with offset

Provides a parallel placement option on the tool settings. The first point identifies the feature to be used as a guide; the second identifies the parallel distance. The next two points identify the start and end of the parallel section.

Place Block

Shape. A two point block is placed.

Place Closed Bspline

Closed bspline. Data points define vertices of a closed bspline curve.

Place Block with Params

Shape. A two point block is placed with options to keyin the height and width

Place Rotated Block

Shape. A block is placed that can be rotated around the initial point

Place Rotated Block with Params

Shape. A block is placed that can be rotated around the initial point. Key-ins are available to specify the height and width

Place Ellipse

Circle. A circular ellipse is placed by three points on the edge.

Place Text

Text Node. The text is placed at the angle defined in the feature's symbology definition.

Place Text And Rotate

Text Node. This placement type will also display a Spin toggle in the Tool Setting dialog to allow the element to be rotated once the first data point is input to define the location.

Place Cell Free

Cell. The cell is placed at the angle defined in the feature's symbology definition.

Place Cell And Rotate

Cell. This placement type will also display a Spin toggle in the Tool Setting dialog to allow the element to be rotated once the first data is input to define the location.

Place Cell Skewed

Cell. Once the cell is placed the user can define the scale for the cell interactively, a reset will leave the cell at the size placed.

Place Cell Skewed And Rotate

Cell. This is the same as Place Cell Skewed but with the addition of a Spin toggle item in the Tool Settings. If the Spin toggle is set the user is allowed to rotate the cell after the interactive scaling has been accepted.

Place Cell On

Cell. This placement type requires the user to define what type of feature the cell can be placed on.

Place Equipment

A line with a cell at the end of it. This is common placement type in the utility world for placing a piece of equipment that requires a connection back to the main distribution feature.

Place Equipment On

A line with a cell at the end of it. Places the same as Place Equipment except that the first point of the line is projected to the user specified linear feature.

Place Equipment And Rotate

A line with a cell at the end of it. Places the same as Place Equipment and additionally provides a Spin toggle in the Tool Setting to allow the line and cell to be rotated about the start of the line.

Place Equipment On And Rotate

A line with a cell at the end of it. Places the same as Place Equipment On but provides a Spin toggle in the Tool Setting to allow the line and cell to be rotated about the start of the line.